Module scute.commands

Submodule containing commands and command-related functions

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Submodule containing commands and command-related functions
from functools import wraps

from scute.blocks import Block
from scute.internal.utils import create_function
from scute.items import Item
from scute.function import func, _MacroArg
from scute.internal.dict_to_NBT import dict_to_NBT
from scute.tags import _scute_init
from scute import pack, _function_namespaces
from types import FunctionType
from scute.data_sources import _NbtSource, EntityData, Storage, BlockData
from scute.data_types import _NbtValue

from uuid import uuid4

# A single command, a function reference, or a list of commands
functionArg = str | list | FunctionType

def _functionArgument(
    cmd: functionArg, single_command_allowed: bool, delete: bool = True
    result = ""

    # If the command is a string, meaning the return value from a command
    if isinstance(cmd, str):
        if single_command_allowed:
            if delete:
                del pack._command_stack[-1]
            result = cmd
            cmd = [cmd]

    # Or, if it's a function reference
    elif isinstance(cmd, FunctionType):
        if cmd not in _function_namespaces:
            # Run the function as if it was decorated with @function, generating a file

        result = f"function {pack.namespace}:{_function_namespaces[cmd]}"

    # Or, if it's a list of commands
    if isinstance(cmd, list):
        # Delete the commands that were added to the stack
        if delete:
            del pack._command_stack[-len(cmd) :]

        for i in range(len(cmd)):
            cmd[i] += "\n"

        name = uuid4()
        result = f"function {pack.namespace}:{name}"

        create_function(pack.namespace, name, cmd)

    return result

def _command(funct):
    def wrapper(*args):
        is_macro: bool = any(isinstance(arg, _MacroArg) for arg in args)
        result = funct(*args)

        if isinstance(result, str):
            command = result + "\n"
            if is_macro:
                command = "$" + command

        elif isinstance(result, execute):
            command = + "\n"
            if is_macro:
                command = "$" + command
            # Overwrite command written by previous subcommand with new value
            pack._command_stack[-1] = command

        return result

    return wrapper

def give(player, item: Item | str):
    Gives a player an item
        player: A selector like @a[distance=..5]
        item: The item to give the player, - an instance of the Item() class or a string id like Item.egg
    if isinstance(item, _MacroArg):
        return f"give {player} {item.arg}"
    elif isinstance(item, str):
        return f"give {player} {item}"

    com = f"give {player} {item.commandFormat}"

    if item.count != 1:
        com += " " + str(item.count)

    return com

def run_raw(command: _MacroArg | str):
    Runs a command from a string - useful for macros or unimplemented commands.
        command: A string or macro argument
    return command.arg if isinstance(command, _MacroArg) else command

def setblock(x, y, z, block: Block | str):
    Places a block at some coordinates
        x: X coord of block
        y: Y coord of block
        z: Z coord of block
        block: Block to place
    if isinstance(block, _MacroArg):
        return f"setblock {x} {y} {z} {block.arg}"
    elif isinstance(block, str):
        return f"setblock {x} {y} {z} {block}"

    return f"setblock {x} {y} {z} {}{{dict_to_NBT(block.nbt)}}"

def function(funct: str):
    Calls another function from another pack. To call your own function, just call it like myFunc()
        funct: A resource location for a function, like mypack:func1
    return f"function {funct}"

def schedule(cmd: functionArg, time: int, units: str = "t"):
    Schedules a function to run at a point in the future
        cmd: The function or list of commands to run
        time: The time until it's run
        units: "t", "d", or "s", ticks, days, or seconds respectively until the function runs (defaults to ticks)
    return f"schedule function {_functionArgument(cmd, False)} {time}{units}"

class execute:
    def __init__(self): = "execute"

    def at(self, selector):
        Sets the execution position to a entity.
            selector: Selector to set position to
        """ += f" at {selector}"
        return self

    def as_(self, selector):
        Sets the execution context to a selector. (Note: `as` is reserved in python)
            selector: Selector to set context to
        """ += f" as {selector}"
        return self

    def anchored(self, pos):
        Sets the execution anchor to the eyes or feet.
            pos: "eyes" or "feet" - the anchor to set to.
        """ += f" anchored {pos}"
        return self

    def align(self, axes):
        Aligns the current execution position to the grid in the axes provided.
            axes: A swizzle of "xyz" - like "x" or "yz"
        """ += f" align {axes}"
        return self

    def facing(self, x, y, z):
        Sets the execution context's rotation to look towards a certain point
            x: X coord of position to look towards
            y: Y coord of position to look towards
            z: Z coord of position to look towards
        """ += f" facing {x} {y} {z}"
        return self

    def facing_entity(self, selector, anchor):
        Sets the execution context's rotation to look towards an entity
            selector: The entity to look towards
            anchor: "feet" or "eyes" - the point to look towards
        """ += f" facing entity {selector} {anchor}"
        return self

    def in_(self, dimension):
        Sets the execution context's dimension (Note: `in` is reserved in python)
            dimension: The resource location of a dimension, like `scute.dimensions.Dimension.overworld`
        """ += f" in {dimension}"
        return self

    def on(self, relation):
        Sets the executor to an entity based on relation to the current executor entity
            relation: A relation like `scute.relations.Relation.passengers`
        """ += f" on {relation}"
        return self

    def positioned(self, x, y, z):
        Sets the execution context to some coordinates
            x: The x coordinate to set the position to
            y: The y coordinate to set the position to
            z: The z coordinate to set the position to
        """ += f" positioned {x} {y} {z}"
        return self

    def positioned_as(self, selector):
        Sets the execution context to an entity's position
            selector: The entity to set the position to
        """ += f" positioned as {selector}"
        return self

    def positioned_over(self, heightmap):
        Sets the execution context to one block above the value of a heightmap at this location
            heightmap: The heightmap to use, like `scute.heightmaps.Heightmap.world_surface`
        """ += f" positioned over {heightmap}"
        return self

    def rotated(self, yaw, pitch):
        Sets the execution context's rotation to a certain angle
            yaw: The angle around the y-axis - 0 is south, ±180 is north.
            pitch: The up-and-down angle - 0 is straight ahead
        """ += f" rotated {yaw} {pitch}"
        return self

    def rotated_as(self, selector):
        Sets the execution context's rotation to the same as another entity's
            selector: The entity to rotate as
        """ += f" rotated as {selector}"
        return self

    def run(self, cmd: functionArg):
        Runs a command or function with the current execution context
            cmd: The command to run - can be a single command like give(), a list of commands, or a (non-wrapped!) function to run.
        """ += " run " + _functionArgument(cmd, True)
        del pack._command_stack[-1]

    class _if_clause:
        def __init__(self, ex):
            self.ex = ex
   += " if"

        class _if_data:
            def __init__(self, ex):
                self.ex = ex
       += " data"

            def block(self, x, y, z, path):
                Checks if a certain nbt path exists in a block entity
                    x: The x position of the block to test
                    y: The y position of the block to test
                    z: The z position of the block to test
                    path: The nbt path, like `Items[{id:"minecraft:diamond"}]`
       += f" block {x} {y} {z} {path}"
                return self.ex

            def entity(self, selector, path):
                Checks if a certain nbt path exists on an entity
                    selector: The entity to test
                    path: The nbt path, like `Invulnerable`
       += f" entity {selector} {path}"
                return self.ex

            def storage(self, storage, path):
                Checks if a certain nbt path exists in a storage
                    storage: The resource location of the storage for data testing, like `namespace:storage`
                    path: The nbt path, like `myTag`
       += f" storage {storage} {path}"
                return self.ex

        def data(self):
            return execute._if_clause._if_data(self.ex)

        def biome(self, x: int, y: int, z: int, biome: str):
            Checks if the block at xyz is of a certain biome
                x: The x coord of the block
                y: The y coord of the block
                z: The z coord of the block
                biome: The biome to check for, like Biome.beach
   += f" biome {x} {y} {z} {biome}"
            return self.ex

        def block(self, x, y, z, block: Block):
            Checks if a certain block is at a certain set of coordinates
                x: The x position of the block
                y: The y position of the block
                z: The z position of the block
                block: The block, like `scute.blocks.Block.dirt`
   += f" block {x} {y} {z} { + dict_to_NBT(block.nbt) if isinstance(block, Block) else block}"
            return self.ex

        def blocks(
            x1: int,
            y1: int,
            z1: int,
            x2: int,
            y2: int,
            z2: int,
            x3: int,
            y3: int,
            z3: int,
            scanmode: str,
            Checks if the blocks in two regions match
                x1: The x-coord of the first corner of the first region
                y1: The y-coord of the first corner of the first region
                z1: The z-coord of the first corner of the first region
                x2: The x-coord of the second corner of the first region
                y2: The y-coord of the second corner of the first region
                z2: The z-coord of the second corner of the first region
                x3: The x-coord of the origin of the second region
                y3: The y-coord of the origin of the second region
                z3: The z-coord of the origin of the second region
                scanmode: Whether air blocks should also be compared - "all" if yes, "masked" if no
   += (
                f" blocks {x1} {y1} {z1} {x2} {y2} {z2} {x3} {y3} {z3} {scanmode}"
            return self.ex

        def dimension(self, dimension: str):
            Checks if the execution context is in a certain dimension
                dimension: The dimension to check for, like Dimension.overworld
   += f" dimension {dimension}"
            return self.ex

        def entity(self, selector: str):
            Checks if at least one entity matches the selector
                selector: A selector
   += f" entity {selector}"
            return self.ex

        def loaded(self, x: int, y: int, z: int):
            Checks if a certain chunk containing the coordinate is fully loaded
                x: The x-coord of a block in the chunk
                y: The y-coord of a block in the chunk
                z: The z-coord of a block in the chunk
   += f" loaded {x} {y} {z}"
            return self.ex

        def predicate(self, predicate: str):
            Checks if a predicate is true, with the current execution context
                 predicate: A resource location of a predicate, like namespace:my_pred
   += f" predicate {predicate}"
            return self.ex

    class _unless_clause(_if_clause):
        def __init__(self, ex):
            self.ex = ex
   += " unless"

    def if_(self):
        return execute._if_clause(self)

    def unless(self):
        return execute._unless_clause(self)

def else_(cmd: functionArg):
    Runs a command if the immediately previous `execute if` command did not pass
        cmd: The function, command, or list of commands to run
    _scute_init["scoreboard_needed"] = True
    if isinstance(cmd, str):
        del pack._command_stack[-1]

    p = pack._command_stack[-1]
    if "execute" not in p or "run" not in p or "if" not in p:
        raise RuntimeError(
            "else_ must be directly preceded by an `execute ... if ... run` command"

    previous = p.split("run ")
    base: str = previous[0]
    run_command: str = previous[1]

    if run_command.startswith("function"):
        args = run_command.split(" ")
        namespace, name = args[1].split(":")
        # This function will append to an existing file if it already exists (which it does)
        # Sets the score to 1 if the function runs, so that the next command knows if it succeeded
            namespace, name.rstrip(), ["\nscoreboard players set $success scute 1\n"]
        # Make sure that the value isn't 1 due to meddling
        pack._command_stack.insert(-1, "scoreboard players set $success scute 0\n")
        name = uuid4()
            [run_command + "\n", "scoreboard players set $success scute 1\n"],
        pack._command_stack[-1] = base + f"run function {pack.namespace}:{name}"
    return (
        f"execute unless score $success scute matches 1 run {_functionArgument(cmd, True, False)}\n"
        "scoreboard players set $success scute 0"

def data_get(data_source: _NbtSource, path: str = None, scale: float = None):
    Gets NBT data from an entity, block, or storage
        data_source: Any child of `scute.datasources.DataSource`, Storage, BlockData, or EntityData
        path: An optional NBT path to get data from
        scale: An optional scale value to multiply the retrieved value by (if it is a number)
    return f"data get {data_source.str} {path} {scale}"

def data_merge(data_source: _NbtSource, nbt: dict):
    Merges NBT data into an entity, block, or storage
        data_source: Any child of `scute.datasources.DataSource`, Storage, BlockData, or EntityData
        nbt: NBT to merge (a dict, or nbt())
    return f"data merge {data_source.str} {dict_to_NBT(nbt)}"

def data_remove(data_source: _NbtSource, path: str):
    Removes an NBT compound or value from an entity, block, or storage
        data_source: Any child of `scute.datasources.DataSource`, Storage, BlockData, or EntityData
        path: The path to the NBT value or compound to remove
    return f"data remove {data_source.str} {path}"

class DataModification:
    append = "append "
    """Append the source data or direct value data onto the end of the pointed-to list."""
    prepend = "prepend "
    """Prepend the source data or direct value data onto the beginning of the pointed-to list."""
    merge = "merge "
    """Merge the source data or direct value data into the pointed-to object."""
    set = "set "
    """Set the specified tag to a data value."""

    def insert(i) -> str:
        Insert the value into the pointed-to list as element `i`, then shift higher elements one position upward.
            i: The index of the inserted element
        return f"insert {i} "

def data_modify_from(
    target: _NbtSource,
    path: str,
    modification: str,
    source: _NbtSource,
    source_path: str = None,
    Copies source nbt using an operation to the target
        target: The nbt being modified
        path: The nbt path of the source being modified
        modification: The modification, like "set" or `scute.commands.DataModification.set`
        source: The source which nbt is being copied from
        source_path: Optional path for source
    return f"data modify {target.str} {path} {modification} from {source.str} {source_path}"

def data_modify_string(
    target: _NbtSource,
    path: str,
    modification: str,
    source: _NbtSource,
    source_path: str = None,
    start: int = None,
    end: int = None,
    Copies a string or a section of a string using an operation from the source to the target
        target: The nbt being modified
        path: The nbt path of the source being modified
        modification: The modification, like "set" or `scute.commands.DataModification.set`
        source: The source which nbt is being copied from
        source_path: Optional path for source
        start: Optional index of first character to include at the start of the string. Negative values are counted from the end of the string.
        end: Optional index of the first character to exclude at the end of the string. Negative values are counted from the end of the string.
    return f"data modify {target.str} {path} {modification} string {source.str} {source_path} {start} {end}"

def data_modify_value(
    target: _NbtSource, path: str, modification: str, value: _NbtValue
    Uses an operation to modify the target with a fixed value
        target: The nbt being modified
        path: The nbt path of the source being modified
        modification: The modification, like "set" or `scute.commands.DataModification.set`
        value: The nbt value used, like Byte(1) or "hello" or an nbt compound
    val = value
    if isinstance(value, dict):
        val = dict_to_NBT(value)
    return f"data modify {target.str} {path} {modification} value {val}"


def data_get(data_source: ~_NbtSource, path: str = None, scale: float = None)

Gets NBT data from an entity, block, or storage


Any child of scute.datasources.DataSource, Storage, BlockData, or EntityData
An optional NBT path to get data from
An optional scale value to multiply the retrieved value by (if it is a number)
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def data_get(data_source: _NbtSource, path: str = None, scale: float = None):
    Gets NBT data from an entity, block, or storage
        data_source: Any child of `scute.datasources.DataSource`, Storage, BlockData, or EntityData
        path: An optional NBT path to get data from
        scale: An optional scale value to multiply the retrieved value by (if it is a number)
    return f"data get {data_source.str} {path} {scale}"
def data_merge(data_source: ~_NbtSource, nbt: dict)

Merges NBT data into an entity, block, or storage


Any child of scute.datasources.DataSource, Storage, BlockData, or EntityData
NBT to merge (a dict, or nbt())
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def data_merge(data_source: _NbtSource, nbt: dict):
    Merges NBT data into an entity, block, or storage
        data_source: Any child of `scute.datasources.DataSource`, Storage, BlockData, or EntityData
        nbt: NBT to merge (a dict, or nbt())
    return f"data merge {data_source.str} {dict_to_NBT(nbt)}"
def data_modify_from(target: ~_NbtSource, path: str, modification: str, source: ~_NbtSource, source_path: str = None)

Copies source nbt using an operation to the target


The nbt being modified
The nbt path of the source being modified
The modification, like "set" or DataModification.set
The source which nbt is being copied from
Optional path for source
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def data_modify_from(
    target: _NbtSource,
    path: str,
    modification: str,
    source: _NbtSource,
    source_path: str = None,
    Copies source nbt using an operation to the target
        target: The nbt being modified
        path: The nbt path of the source being modified
        modification: The modification, like "set" or `scute.commands.DataModification.set`
        source: The source which nbt is being copied from
        source_path: Optional path for source
    return f"data modify {target.str} {path} {modification} from {source.str} {source_path}"
def data_modify_string(target: ~_NbtSource, path: str, modification: str, source: ~_NbtSource, source_path: str = None, start: int = None, end: int = None)

Copies a string or a section of a string using an operation from the source to the target


The nbt being modified
The nbt path of the source being modified
The modification, like "set" or DataModification.set
The source which nbt is being copied from
Optional path for source
Optional index of first character to include at the start of the string. Negative values are counted from the end of the string.
Optional index of the first character to exclude at the end of the string. Negative values are counted from the end of the string.
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def data_modify_string(
    target: _NbtSource,
    path: str,
    modification: str,
    source: _NbtSource,
    source_path: str = None,
    start: int = None,
    end: int = None,
    Copies a string or a section of a string using an operation from the source to the target
        target: The nbt being modified
        path: The nbt path of the source being modified
        modification: The modification, like "set" or `scute.commands.DataModification.set`
        source: The source which nbt is being copied from
        source_path: Optional path for source
        start: Optional index of first character to include at the start of the string. Negative values are counted from the end of the string.
        end: Optional index of the first character to exclude at the end of the string. Negative values are counted from the end of the string.
    return f"data modify {target.str} {path} {modification} string {source.str} {source_path} {start} {end}"
def data_modify_value(target: ~_NbtSource, path: str, modification: str, value: Union[~_NumberTypeVar, int, str, float, dict])

Uses an operation to modify the target with a fixed value


The nbt being modified
The nbt path of the source being modified
The modification, like "set" or DataModification.set
The nbt value used, like Byte(1) or "hello" or an nbt compound
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def data_modify_value(
    target: _NbtSource, path: str, modification: str, value: _NbtValue
    Uses an operation to modify the target with a fixed value
        target: The nbt being modified
        path: The nbt path of the source being modified
        modification: The modification, like "set" or `scute.commands.DataModification.set`
        value: The nbt value used, like Byte(1) or "hello" or an nbt compound
    val = value
    if isinstance(value, dict):
        val = dict_to_NBT(value)
    return f"data modify {target.str} {path} {modification} value {val}"
def data_remove(data_source: ~_NbtSource, path: str)

Removes an NBT compound or value from an entity, block, or storage


Any child of scute.datasources.DataSource, Storage, BlockData, or EntityData
The path to the NBT value or compound to remove
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def data_remove(data_source: _NbtSource, path: str):
    Removes an NBT compound or value from an entity, block, or storage
        data_source: Any child of `scute.datasources.DataSource`, Storage, BlockData, or EntityData
        path: The path to the NBT value or compound to remove
    return f"data remove {data_source.str} {path}"
def else_(cmd: str | list | function())

Runs a command if the immediately previous execute if command did not pass


The function, command, or list of commands to run
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def else_(cmd: functionArg):
    Runs a command if the immediately previous `execute if` command did not pass
        cmd: The function, command, or list of commands to run
    _scute_init["scoreboard_needed"] = True
    if isinstance(cmd, str):
        del pack._command_stack[-1]

    p = pack._command_stack[-1]
    if "execute" not in p or "run" not in p or "if" not in p:
        raise RuntimeError(
            "else_ must be directly preceded by an `execute ... if ... run` command"

    previous = p.split("run ")
    base: str = previous[0]
    run_command: str = previous[1]

    if run_command.startswith("function"):
        args = run_command.split(" ")
        namespace, name = args[1].split(":")
        # This function will append to an existing file if it already exists (which it does)
        # Sets the score to 1 if the function runs, so that the next command knows if it succeeded
            namespace, name.rstrip(), ["\nscoreboard players set $success scute 1\n"]
        # Make sure that the value isn't 1 due to meddling
        pack._command_stack.insert(-1, "scoreboard players set $success scute 0\n")
        name = uuid4()
            [run_command + "\n", "scoreboard players set $success scute 1\n"],
        pack._command_stack[-1] = base + f"run function {pack.namespace}:{name}"
    return (
        f"execute unless score $success scute matches 1 run {_functionArgument(cmd, True, False)}\n"
        "scoreboard players set $success scute 0"
def function(funct: str)

Calls another function from another pack. To call your own function, just call it like myFunc()


A resource location for a function, like mypack:func1
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def function(funct: str):
    Calls another function from another pack. To call your own function, just call it like myFunc()
        funct: A resource location for a function, like mypack:func1
    return f"function {funct}"
def give(player, item: Item | str)

Gives a player an item


A selector like @a[distance=..5]
The item to give the player, - an instance of the Item() class or a string id like Item.egg
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def give(player, item: Item | str):
    Gives a player an item
        player: A selector like @a[distance=..5]
        item: The item to give the player, - an instance of the Item() class or a string id like Item.egg
    if isinstance(item, _MacroArg):
        return f"give {player} {item.arg}"
    elif isinstance(item, str):
        return f"give {player} {item}"

    com = f"give {player} {item.commandFormat}"

    if item.count != 1:
        com += " " + str(item.count)

    return com
def run_raw(command: scute.function._MacroArg | str)

Runs a command from a string - useful for macros or unimplemented commands.


A string or macro argument
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def run_raw(command: _MacroArg | str):
    Runs a command from a string - useful for macros or unimplemented commands.
        command: A string or macro argument
    return command.arg if isinstance(command, _MacroArg) else command
def schedule(cmd: str | list | function(), time: int, units: str = 't')

Schedules a function to run at a point in the future


The function or list of commands to run
The time until it's run
"t", "d", or "s", ticks, days, or seconds respectively until the function runs (defaults to ticks)
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def schedule(cmd: functionArg, time: int, units: str = "t"):
    Schedules a function to run at a point in the future
        cmd: The function or list of commands to run
        time: The time until it's run
        units: "t", "d", or "s", ticks, days, or seconds respectively until the function runs (defaults to ticks)
    return f"schedule function {_functionArgument(cmd, False)} {time}{units}"
def setblock(x, y, z, block: Block | str)

Places a block at some coordinates


X coord of block
Y coord of block
Z coord of block
Block to place
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def setblock(x, y, z, block: Block | str):
    Places a block at some coordinates
        x: X coord of block
        y: Y coord of block
        z: Z coord of block
        block: Block to place
    if isinstance(block, _MacroArg):
        return f"setblock {x} {y} {z} {block.arg}"
    elif isinstance(block, str):
        return f"setblock {x} {y} {z} {block}"

    return f"setblock {x} {y} {z} {}{{dict_to_NBT(block.nbt)}}"


class DataModification
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class DataModification:
    append = "append "
    """Append the source data or direct value data onto the end of the pointed-to list."""
    prepend = "prepend "
    """Prepend the source data or direct value data onto the beginning of the pointed-to list."""
    merge = "merge "
    """Merge the source data or direct value data into the pointed-to object."""
    set = "set "
    """Set the specified tag to a data value."""

    def insert(i) -> str:
        Insert the value into the pointed-to list as element `i`, then shift higher elements one position upward.
            i: The index of the inserted element
        return f"insert {i} "

Class variables

var append

Append the source data or direct value data onto the end of the pointed-to list.

var merge

Merge the source data or direct value data into the pointed-to object.

var prepend

Prepend the source data or direct value data onto the beginning of the pointed-to list.

var set

Set the specified tag to a data value.

Static methods

def insert(i) ‑> str

Insert the value into the pointed-to list as element i, then shift higher elements one position upward.


The index of the inserted element
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def insert(i) -> str:
    Insert the value into the pointed-to list as element `i`, then shift higher elements one position upward.
        i: The index of the inserted element
    return f"insert {i} "
class execute
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class execute:
    def __init__(self): = "execute"

    def at(self, selector):
        Sets the execution position to a entity.
            selector: Selector to set position to
        """ += f" at {selector}"
        return self

    def as_(self, selector):
        Sets the execution context to a selector. (Note: `as` is reserved in python)
            selector: Selector to set context to
        """ += f" as {selector}"
        return self

    def anchored(self, pos):
        Sets the execution anchor to the eyes or feet.
            pos: "eyes" or "feet" - the anchor to set to.
        """ += f" anchored {pos}"
        return self

    def align(self, axes):
        Aligns the current execution position to the grid in the axes provided.
            axes: A swizzle of "xyz" - like "x" or "yz"
        """ += f" align {axes}"
        return self

    def facing(self, x, y, z):
        Sets the execution context's rotation to look towards a certain point
            x: X coord of position to look towards
            y: Y coord of position to look towards
            z: Z coord of position to look towards
        """ += f" facing {x} {y} {z}"
        return self

    def facing_entity(self, selector, anchor):
        Sets the execution context's rotation to look towards an entity
            selector: The entity to look towards
            anchor: "feet" or "eyes" - the point to look towards
        """ += f" facing entity {selector} {anchor}"
        return self

    def in_(self, dimension):
        Sets the execution context's dimension (Note: `in` is reserved in python)
            dimension: The resource location of a dimension, like `scute.dimensions.Dimension.overworld`
        """ += f" in {dimension}"
        return self

    def on(self, relation):
        Sets the executor to an entity based on relation to the current executor entity
            relation: A relation like `scute.relations.Relation.passengers`
        """ += f" on {relation}"
        return self

    def positioned(self, x, y, z):
        Sets the execution context to some coordinates
            x: The x coordinate to set the position to
            y: The y coordinate to set the position to
            z: The z coordinate to set the position to
        """ += f" positioned {x} {y} {z}"
        return self

    def positioned_as(self, selector):
        Sets the execution context to an entity's position
            selector: The entity to set the position to
        """ += f" positioned as {selector}"
        return self

    def positioned_over(self, heightmap):
        Sets the execution context to one block above the value of a heightmap at this location
            heightmap: The heightmap to use, like `scute.heightmaps.Heightmap.world_surface`
        """ += f" positioned over {heightmap}"
        return self

    def rotated(self, yaw, pitch):
        Sets the execution context's rotation to a certain angle
            yaw: The angle around the y-axis - 0 is south, ±180 is north.
            pitch: The up-and-down angle - 0 is straight ahead
        """ += f" rotated {yaw} {pitch}"
        return self

    def rotated_as(self, selector):
        Sets the execution context's rotation to the same as another entity's
            selector: The entity to rotate as
        """ += f" rotated as {selector}"
        return self

    def run(self, cmd: functionArg):
        Runs a command or function with the current execution context
            cmd: The command to run - can be a single command like give(), a list of commands, or a (non-wrapped!) function to run.
        """ += " run " + _functionArgument(cmd, True)
        del pack._command_stack[-1]

    class _if_clause:
        def __init__(self, ex):
            self.ex = ex
   += " if"

        class _if_data:
            def __init__(self, ex):
                self.ex = ex
       += " data"

            def block(self, x, y, z, path):
                Checks if a certain nbt path exists in a block entity
                    x: The x position of the block to test
                    y: The y position of the block to test
                    z: The z position of the block to test
                    path: The nbt path, like `Items[{id:"minecraft:diamond"}]`
       += f" block {x} {y} {z} {path}"
                return self.ex

            def entity(self, selector, path):
                Checks if a certain nbt path exists on an entity
                    selector: The entity to test
                    path: The nbt path, like `Invulnerable`
       += f" entity {selector} {path}"
                return self.ex

            def storage(self, storage, path):
                Checks if a certain nbt path exists in a storage
                    storage: The resource location of the storage for data testing, like `namespace:storage`
                    path: The nbt path, like `myTag`
       += f" storage {storage} {path}"
                return self.ex

        def data(self):
            return execute._if_clause._if_data(self.ex)

        def biome(self, x: int, y: int, z: int, biome: str):
            Checks if the block at xyz is of a certain biome
                x: The x coord of the block
                y: The y coord of the block
                z: The z coord of the block
                biome: The biome to check for, like Biome.beach
   += f" biome {x} {y} {z} {biome}"
            return self.ex

        def block(self, x, y, z, block: Block):
            Checks if a certain block is at a certain set of coordinates
                x: The x position of the block
                y: The y position of the block
                z: The z position of the block
                block: The block, like `scute.blocks.Block.dirt`
   += f" block {x} {y} {z} { + dict_to_NBT(block.nbt) if isinstance(block, Block) else block}"
            return self.ex

        def blocks(
            x1: int,
            y1: int,
            z1: int,
            x2: int,
            y2: int,
            z2: int,
            x3: int,
            y3: int,
            z3: int,
            scanmode: str,
            Checks if the blocks in two regions match
                x1: The x-coord of the first corner of the first region
                y1: The y-coord of the first corner of the first region
                z1: The z-coord of the first corner of the first region
                x2: The x-coord of the second corner of the first region
                y2: The y-coord of the second corner of the first region
                z2: The z-coord of the second corner of the first region
                x3: The x-coord of the origin of the second region
                y3: The y-coord of the origin of the second region
                z3: The z-coord of the origin of the second region
                scanmode: Whether air blocks should also be compared - "all" if yes, "masked" if no
   += (
                f" blocks {x1} {y1} {z1} {x2} {y2} {z2} {x3} {y3} {z3} {scanmode}"
            return self.ex

        def dimension(self, dimension: str):
            Checks if the execution context is in a certain dimension
                dimension: The dimension to check for, like Dimension.overworld
   += f" dimension {dimension}"
            return self.ex

        def entity(self, selector: str):
            Checks if at least one entity matches the selector
                selector: A selector
   += f" entity {selector}"
            return self.ex

        def loaded(self, x: int, y: int, z: int):
            Checks if a certain chunk containing the coordinate is fully loaded
                x: The x-coord of a block in the chunk
                y: The y-coord of a block in the chunk
                z: The z-coord of a block in the chunk
   += f" loaded {x} {y} {z}"
            return self.ex

        def predicate(self, predicate: str):
            Checks if a predicate is true, with the current execution context
                 predicate: A resource location of a predicate, like namespace:my_pred
   += f" predicate {predicate}"
            return self.ex

    class _unless_clause(_if_clause):
        def __init__(self, ex):
            self.ex = ex
   += " unless"

    def if_(self):
        return execute._if_clause(self)

    def unless(self):
        return execute._unless_clause(self)

Instance variables

var if_
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def if_(self):
    return execute._if_clause(self)
var unless
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def unless(self):
    return execute._unless_clause(self)


def align(self, axes)

Aligns the current execution position to the grid in the axes provided.


A swizzle of "xyz" - like "x" or "yz"
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def align(self, axes):
    Aligns the current execution position to the grid in the axes provided.
        axes: A swizzle of "xyz" - like "x" or "yz"
    """ += f" align {axes}"
    return self
def anchored(self, pos)

Sets the execution anchor to the eyes or feet.


"eyes" or "feet" - the anchor to set to.
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def anchored(self, pos):
    Sets the execution anchor to the eyes or feet.
        pos: "eyes" or "feet" - the anchor to set to.
    """ += f" anchored {pos}"
    return self
def as_(self, selector)

Sets the execution context to a selector. (Note: as is reserved in python)


Selector to set context to
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def as_(self, selector):
    Sets the execution context to a selector. (Note: `as` is reserved in python)
        selector: Selector to set context to
    """ += f" as {selector}"
    return self
def at(self, selector)

Sets the execution position to a entity.


Selector to set position to
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def at(self, selector):
    Sets the execution position to a entity.
        selector: Selector to set position to
    """ += f" at {selector}"
    return self
def facing(self, x, y, z)

Sets the execution context's rotation to look towards a certain point


X coord of position to look towards
Y coord of position to look towards
Z coord of position to look towards
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def facing(self, x, y, z):
    Sets the execution context's rotation to look towards a certain point
        x: X coord of position to look towards
        y: Y coord of position to look towards
        z: Z coord of position to look towards
    """ += f" facing {x} {y} {z}"
    return self
def facing_entity(self, selector, anchor)

Sets the execution context's rotation to look towards an entity


The entity to look towards
"feet" or "eyes" - the point to look towards
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def facing_entity(self, selector, anchor):
    Sets the execution context's rotation to look towards an entity
        selector: The entity to look towards
        anchor: "feet" or "eyes" - the point to look towards
    """ += f" facing entity {selector} {anchor}"
    return self
def in_(self, dimension)

Sets the execution context's dimension (Note: in is reserved in python)


The resource location of a dimension, like Dimension.overworld
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def in_(self, dimension):
    Sets the execution context's dimension (Note: `in` is reserved in python)
        dimension: The resource location of a dimension, like `scute.dimensions.Dimension.overworld`
    """ += f" in {dimension}"
    return self
def on(self, relation)

Sets the executor to an entity based on relation to the current executor entity


A relation like Relation.passengers
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def on(self, relation):
    Sets the executor to an entity based on relation to the current executor entity
        relation: A relation like `scute.relations.Relation.passengers`
    """ += f" on {relation}"
    return self
def positioned(self, x, y, z)

Sets the execution context to some coordinates


The x coordinate to set the position to
The y coordinate to set the position to
The z coordinate to set the position to
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def positioned(self, x, y, z):
    Sets the execution context to some coordinates
        x: The x coordinate to set the position to
        y: The y coordinate to set the position to
        z: The z coordinate to set the position to
    """ += f" positioned {x} {y} {z}"
    return self
def positioned_as(self, selector)

Sets the execution context to an entity's position


The entity to set the position to
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def positioned_as(self, selector):
    Sets the execution context to an entity's position
        selector: The entity to set the position to
    """ += f" positioned as {selector}"
    return self
def positioned_over(self, heightmap)

Sets the execution context to one block above the value of a heightmap at this location


The heightmap to use, like Heightmap.world_surface
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def positioned_over(self, heightmap):
    Sets the execution context to one block above the value of a heightmap at this location
        heightmap: The heightmap to use, like `scute.heightmaps.Heightmap.world_surface`
    """ += f" positioned over {heightmap}"
    return self
def rotated(self, yaw, pitch)

Sets the execution context's rotation to a certain angle


The angle around the y-axis - 0 is south, ±180 is north.
The up-and-down angle - 0 is straight ahead
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def rotated(self, yaw, pitch):
    Sets the execution context's rotation to a certain angle
        yaw: The angle around the y-axis - 0 is south, ±180 is north.
        pitch: The up-and-down angle - 0 is straight ahead
    """ += f" rotated {yaw} {pitch}"
    return self
def rotated_as(self, selector)

Sets the execution context's rotation to the same as another entity's


The entity to rotate as
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def rotated_as(self, selector):
    Sets the execution context's rotation to the same as another entity's
        selector: The entity to rotate as
    """ += f" rotated as {selector}"
    return self
def run(self, cmd: str | list | function())

Runs a command or function with the current execution context


The command to run - can be a single command like give(), a list of commands, or a (non-wrapped!) function to run.
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def run(self, cmd: functionArg):
    Runs a command or function with the current execution context
        cmd: The command to run - can be a single command like give(), a list of commands, or a (non-wrapped!) function to run.
    """ += " run " + _functionArgument(cmd, True)
    del pack._command_stack[-1]