Module scute.json_text

Submodule for json-formatted text, used in /tellraw or item names etc

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Submodule for json-formatted text, used in /tellraw or item names etc
import json
from scute.internal.dict_to_NBT import dict_to_NBT

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

    from scute.items import Item

def JSONText(
    string: str,
    italic: bool = False,
    colour: str = None,
    strikethrough: bool = None,
    bold: bool = None,
    underlined: bool = None,
    obfuscated: bool = None,
    click_url: str = None,
    click_command: str = None,
    click_suggest: str = None,
    click_clipboard: str = None,
    hover_text: dict | str = None,
    hover_item: "Item" = None,
    hover_entity: dict = None,
    Creates json-formatted text. A maximum of one of the click_* or hover_* arguments can be specified
        string: The actual text to show
        italic: Bool. Whether or not to make the text italic
        colour: The colour of the text. E.g: ``, `"red"`, `"#FFFFFF"`, or `Colour.hex("#FFFFFF)`
        strikethrough: Bool. Whether or not to make the text struckthrough
        bold: Bool. Whether or not to make the text bold
        underlined: Bool. Whether or not to make the text underlined
        obfuscated: Bool. Whether or not to make the text obfuscated
        click_url: The URL opened when the text is clicked - must include schema
        click_command: The command run by the user when the text is clicked
        click_suggest: The string added to the chat window when the text is clicked
        click_clipboard: The value that is copied to the clipboard when the text is clicked
        hover_text: The json-formatted text that is shown when the text is hovered (or just a string)
        hover_item: The item that is shown when the text is hovered
        hover_entity: The entity that is shown when the text is hovered - e.g. {"type":"pig", "id":"0-0-0-0"}. json-formatted `name` field is optional.
        A JsonText instance, to be passed into various functions
    optional_args = {
        "strikethrough": strikethrough,
        "color": colour,
        "bold": bold,
        "underlined": underlined,
        "obfuscated": obfuscated,

    text = {
        "text": string,
        "italic": italic,
        **{key: value for key, value in optional_args.items() if value is not None},

    if click_url is not None:
        text["clickEvent"] = {"action": "open_url", "value": click_url}
    if click_command is not None:
        text["clickEvent"] = {"action": "run_command", "value": click_command}
    if click_suggest is not None:
        text["clickEvent"] = {"action": "suggest_command", "value": click_suggest}
    if click_clipboard is not None:
        text["clickEvent"] = {"action": "copy_to_clipboard", "value": click_clipboard}
    if hover_text is not None:
        text["hoverEvent"] = {"action": "show_text", "contents": hover_text}
    if hover_item is not None:
        data = {
            "action": "show_item",
            "contents": {
                "count": hover_item.count,
        if hover_item.nbt is not None:
            data["contents"]["tag"] = dict_to_NBT(hover_item.nbt)
        text["hoverEvent"] = data
    if hover_entity is not None:
        if "type" in hover_entity:
            if "id" in hover_entity:
                data = {
                    "action": "show_entity",
                    "contents": {
                        "type": hover_entity["type"],
                        "id": hover_entity["id"],
                if "name" in hover_entity:
                    data["contents"]["name"] = hover_entity["name"]
                text["hoverEvent"] = data
                raise ValueError(
                    "You must specify the UUID of the entity to show in a `show_entity` hover event, under the `id` field"
            raise ValueError(
                "You must specify the type of the entity to show in a `show_entity` hover event, under the `type` field"

    return _JsonText(text)

class Colour:
    An enum of all the colours in the base game. is the exact same as "red"

    black = "black"
    dark_blue = "dark_blue"
    dark_green = "dark_green"
    dark_aqua = "dark_aqua"
    dark_red = "dark_red"
    dark_purple = "dark_purple"
    gold = "gold"
    gray = "gray"
    dark_gray = "gray"
    grey = "gray"
    dark_grey = "gray"
    blue = "blue"
    green = "green"
    aqua = "aqua"
    red = "red"
    light_purple = "light_purple"
    yellow = "yellow"
    white = "white"

    def hex(hex: str):
        A custom colour - alternatively, just use a string like "#FFFFFF"
        return hex

class _JsonText:
    def __init__(self, text: dict):
        self.text = text

    def __str__(self):
        return json.dumps(self.text)


def JSONText(string: str, italic: bool = False, colour: str = None, strikethrough: bool = None, bold: bool = None, underlined: bool = None, obfuscated: bool = None, click_url: str = None, click_command: str = None, click_suggest: str = None, click_clipboard: str = None, hover_text: dict | str = None, hover_item: Item = None, hover_entity: dict = None)

Creates json-formatted text. A maximum of one of the click_ or hover_ arguments can be specified


The actual text to show
Bool. Whether or not to make the text italic
The colour of the text. E.g:, "red", "#FFFFFF", or Colour.hex("#FFFFFF)
Bool. Whether or not to make the text struckthrough
Bool. Whether or not to make the text bold
Bool. Whether or not to make the text underlined
Bool. Whether or not to make the text obfuscated
The URL opened when the text is clicked - must include schema
The command run by the user when the text is clicked
The string added to the chat window when the text is clicked
The value that is copied to the clipboard when the text is clicked
The json-formatted text that is shown when the text is hovered (or just a string)
The item that is shown when the text is hovered
The entity that is shown when the text is hovered - e.g. {"type":"pig", "id":"0-0-0-0"}. json-formatted name field is optional.


A JsonText instance, to be passed into various functions

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def JSONText(
    string: str,
    italic: bool = False,
    colour: str = None,
    strikethrough: bool = None,
    bold: bool = None,
    underlined: bool = None,
    obfuscated: bool = None,
    click_url: str = None,
    click_command: str = None,
    click_suggest: str = None,
    click_clipboard: str = None,
    hover_text: dict | str = None,
    hover_item: "Item" = None,
    hover_entity: dict = None,
    Creates json-formatted text. A maximum of one of the click_* or hover_* arguments can be specified
        string: The actual text to show
        italic: Bool. Whether or not to make the text italic
        colour: The colour of the text. E.g: ``, `"red"`, `"#FFFFFF"`, or `Colour.hex("#FFFFFF)`
        strikethrough: Bool. Whether or not to make the text struckthrough
        bold: Bool. Whether or not to make the text bold
        underlined: Bool. Whether or not to make the text underlined
        obfuscated: Bool. Whether or not to make the text obfuscated
        click_url: The URL opened when the text is clicked - must include schema
        click_command: The command run by the user when the text is clicked
        click_suggest: The string added to the chat window when the text is clicked
        click_clipboard: The value that is copied to the clipboard when the text is clicked
        hover_text: The json-formatted text that is shown when the text is hovered (or just a string)
        hover_item: The item that is shown when the text is hovered
        hover_entity: The entity that is shown when the text is hovered - e.g. {"type":"pig", "id":"0-0-0-0"}. json-formatted `name` field is optional.
        A JsonText instance, to be passed into various functions
    optional_args = {
        "strikethrough": strikethrough,
        "color": colour,
        "bold": bold,
        "underlined": underlined,
        "obfuscated": obfuscated,

    text = {
        "text": string,
        "italic": italic,
        **{key: value for key, value in optional_args.items() if value is not None},

    if click_url is not None:
        text["clickEvent"] = {"action": "open_url", "value": click_url}
    if click_command is not None:
        text["clickEvent"] = {"action": "run_command", "value": click_command}
    if click_suggest is not None:
        text["clickEvent"] = {"action": "suggest_command", "value": click_suggest}
    if click_clipboard is not None:
        text["clickEvent"] = {"action": "copy_to_clipboard", "value": click_clipboard}
    if hover_text is not None:
        text["hoverEvent"] = {"action": "show_text", "contents": hover_text}
    if hover_item is not None:
        data = {
            "action": "show_item",
            "contents": {
                "count": hover_item.count,
        if hover_item.nbt is not None:
            data["contents"]["tag"] = dict_to_NBT(hover_item.nbt)
        text["hoverEvent"] = data
    if hover_entity is not None:
        if "type" in hover_entity:
            if "id" in hover_entity:
                data = {
                    "action": "show_entity",
                    "contents": {
                        "type": hover_entity["type"],
                        "id": hover_entity["id"],
                if "name" in hover_entity:
                    data["contents"]["name"] = hover_entity["name"]
                text["hoverEvent"] = data
                raise ValueError(
                    "You must specify the UUID of the entity to show in a `show_entity` hover event, under the `id` field"
            raise ValueError(
                "You must specify the type of the entity to show in a `show_entity` hover event, under the `type` field"

    return _JsonText(text)


class Colour

An enum of all the colours in the base game. is the exact same as "red"

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class Colour:
    An enum of all the colours in the base game. is the exact same as "red"

    black = "black"
    dark_blue = "dark_blue"
    dark_green = "dark_green"
    dark_aqua = "dark_aqua"
    dark_red = "dark_red"
    dark_purple = "dark_purple"
    gold = "gold"
    gray = "gray"
    dark_gray = "gray"
    grey = "gray"
    dark_grey = "gray"
    blue = "blue"
    green = "green"
    aqua = "aqua"
    red = "red"
    light_purple = "light_purple"
    yellow = "yellow"
    white = "white"

    def hex(hex: str):
        A custom colour - alternatively, just use a string like "#FFFFFF"
        return hex

Class variables

var aqua
var black
var blue
var dark_aqua
var dark_blue
var dark_gray
var dark_green
var dark_grey
var dark_purple
var dark_red
var gold
var gray
var green
var grey
var light_purple
var red
var white
var yellow

Static methods

def hex(hex: str)

A custom colour - alternatively, just use a string like "#FFFFFF"

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def hex(hex: str):
    A custom colour - alternatively, just use a string like "#FFFFFF"
    return hex